
She needs your compassion and your counsel. She could be sitting in her classroom waiting to hear about being sex-free until marriage. She could be unexpectedly pregnant and an ultrasound would make all of the difference in the choice she makes. Or she could have already experienced the pain of abortion and need healing and restoration.

Volunteer Opportunities include:

  • AASC (After-Abortion Support & Care) Leader – Using our Forgiven and Set Free curriculum, AASC leaders help women who have had an abortion find healing and restoration.
  • Ambassadors – Ambassadors represent First Choice at community events and health fairs.
  • Baby Boutique Coordinators - One person is needed at each center sort clothing donations and organize our Baby Boutiques. 
  • Male Volunteers – Male volunteers counsel the boyfriends and husbands of our clients so they can support their partner and unborn child.
  • Meet the Need - assist with various projects at First Choice locations.
  • Medical Staff – Registered nurses provide STI screening and sonographers with an RDMS certification provide ultrasound exams.
  • Office Volunteers – These volunteers perform receptionist and secretarial functions. Other activities include coordination of infant/maternity clothing.
  • Parenting Education Mentor – Using our Earn While You Learn curriculum, parenting mentors educate and foster relationships with clients who are carrying to term.
  • Prayer Partners – Members of our prayer ministry receive texts 3-4 times per week with requests for clients and ministry needs.
  • Real Talk Speakers – Males and females are needed to go to schools and present our sexual risk avoidance message in an interactive format.

If you would like to join us, please complete our volunteer application and read our DressCode. Once we receive your application, we’ll contact you for an interview.

If you have questions, please contact Odalys Banks, our Director of Centers.

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Get in Touch!

82 Speedwell Ave.
Morristown, NJ 07960